Regal School of Creative Arts — Regal Tenbury

Who We Are

Come and learn the craft of theatre with qualified professionals from the performing arts industry.

What We Do

A weekly programme of singing, dancing and acting, with occasional workshops provided by leading theatre education companies. Students have opportunities to take part in productions on the Regal Theatre’s main stage.

Spring 2024 

In the spring, RSCA will build towards staging a new performance based on Grimms’ Fairy Tales. In contrast to the prior term, this new play will be performed on the Regal's Main Stage. 

Our School of Creative Arts runs every Sunday morning from 10am until 1pm and is designed to teach young people aged 8 to 16 the various aspects of stage craft. As well as acting students will also gain some knowledge of lighting, stage management, design, costume and other aspects of theatre work. In the spring term we will be creating a show consisting of a number of fairy tales as told by the Brothers Grimm. Hold on to your hats as you encounter Goldilocks, Cinderella, the Hare and Tortoise, the Big Bad Wolf, Grandma and many other favourites. It's going to be dark and thought provoking and you may never think about fairy tales in the same way again!
Our Spring term will begin on Sunday January 19 and run until April 6. A place at RSCA costs £120 per term.  Places are limited, to register please visit our customer portal to sign up and add your child.

Come and give us a try with for FREE! To sign up for our free trial session with no commitment, please follow this link:

Summer 2024 

Even more exciting experiences will be a part of the RSCA this Summer. More details are coming soon! 

Fees and Enrolment

Fees are currently £120 per term. Please note that fees must be paid in full no later than 14 days after the first session of that term. Payment information will be provided via an invoice.

To enrol a new student, parents should first register on our portal and then enrol students in the RSCA class for each term.

Parents who are already registered with RSCA can log in and enrol students here.

Wow. The children were amazing... Those singing voices get better and better. I love watching the confidence grow in all of them
— Parent

OUR TEAM- Committed to Education

RSCA’s team of dedicated staff aim to help young people grow and succeed by developing confidence, communication, problem solving and collaborative skills -  great attributes whatever their futures hold.

Our classes can contribute to opportunities like the Duke of Edinburgh Award, qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels, BteCs and T levels, and auditions for university or conservatoires.

Learn more about our team members below, and contact us with questions.

Richard Fox
Principle RSCA

Richard Fox is no stranger to the Regal. If you have attended a performance of either of our last two Pantomimes you may have spent the evening looking at the back of Richard's head, as he has served as the Musical Director for both Robin Hood and Aladdin.  For the last twenty years Richard has worked as a teacher of Music and Drama at various schools around the county, and has written and directed many shows for young people in that time.  He has directed Ashbourn's Garden Shakespeare Company and also directed/lit/musically directed several in-house productions for the Gardner Arts Centre in Brighton.

I’ve had so much fun, learned new skills, performed in front of an audience and I even sang a solo!
— Student
Absolutely fantastic... I love the confidence it gives them and to see them growing up through every performance.
— Parent

enquiry form

If you are interested in a place at the Regal School of Creative Arts for your child/ren please complete this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.