Support Us — Regal Tenbury

 Support your regal

The Regal has been part of Tenbury life since 1937. We are proud that we continue and grow, offering great films, live music, comedy and theatre to our enthusiastic audiences. We are home to the Regal Community Theatre and to the Regal School of Creative Arts helping keep theatre alive and thriving in our community. And we want to do more!

We only exist with the support of our community. Ticket income does not cover all the costs of operating the Regal and we rely on your donations. Whether you visit the Regal regularly or just now and again, your support through a donation will help us to develop the Regal and to invest in its future.

We have four ways you can support us so we can continue to offer great cinema and top-quality live acts in the heart of Tenbury in our unique and intimate auditorium.

Please fill in the form below if you would like to discuss other ways in which you can help support the Regal, Tenbury.